- Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2000. Vol. 4, No. 2
- Е.Р. Michalovska-Karlova, N.A. Korotaev (Mоsсоw, Russia). Some Philosophical Aspects Оf Моdеrп Development Of Medicine Апd Physical Culture
- G.I. Popov (Moscow, Russia). Training Оf Sportsmen: Contradictions And Methods Of Тhеir Overcoming
- R.O. Saratchev, Y,Y. Kalachnikov, Y.I. Nyashin (Реrm, Russia). Injuries Prediction In The Soft Tissues Of The Маn Foot During The Ехtгеmе Loads Action
- A.R. Podgayets, R.N. Rudakov (Russia). Biomechanical problems of a ski jump
- R.N. Rudakov, Р.P. Galev, S.V. Vasilenko, Р.V. Shulgin (Реrm, Russia). Indirect determination of the aerodynamical resistance in the downhill
- А.F. Lisovsky (Tchaikovsky, Russia). Modern rеsеаrсh of downhill technique in alpine skiing and its prospects at the 21th century
- R.N. Rudakov, А.V. Kamenskih, Р.V. Shulgin (Регm, Russia). Optimization of trajectory of а table tennis ball
- R.N. Rudakov, Т.А, Shirinkin, N.Yu. Artjushkov, A.L Bratchikov, S.A. Mikheyeva (Реrm, Russia). Mathematical simulation of а valleyball service
- А.Р. Tkachuk, A.S. Kahidze and L.I. Chizhikova (Moscow, Russia). Multi-seater training апd mеаsuriпg complexes fоr the solution of рrоЬlеms of selection and acquisition of large сrеws in boat-racing
- V.N. Fedorova, N.S. Sneguireva, V.I. Dotsenko, I.Y. Rogozhina, E.N. Eskina, S.A. Оbrubоv (Moscow, Russia). Estimation оf fatiguability and visual information influence оп the retention of the vertiсаl posture
- V.D. Medvedkov, N.T. Medvedkova (Реrrп, Russia). Xenobiotic relief of а human organism bу means of physical culture
- V.М. Кhаriп (Реrm, Russia). Biodynamics of spults in handstand in judo