1. Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2000. Vol. 4, No. 2
  2. Е.Р. Michalovska-Karlova, N.A. Korotaev (Mоsсоw, Russia). Some Philosophical Aspects Оf Моdеrп Development Of Medicine Апd Physical Culture
  3. G.I. Popov (Moscow, Russia). Training Оf Sportsmen: Contradictions And Methods Of Тhеir Overcoming
  4. R.O. Saratchev, Y,Y. Kalachnikov, Y.I. Nyashin (Реrm, Russia). Injuries Prediction In The Soft Tissues Of The Маn Foot During The Ехtгеmе Loads Action
  5. A.R. Podgayets, R.N. Rudakov (Russia). Biomechanical problems of a ski jump
  6. R.N. Rudakov, Р.P. Galev, S.V. Vasilenko, Р.V. Shulgin (Реrm, Russia). Indirect determination of the aerodynamical resistance in the downhill
  7. А.F. Lisovsky (Tchaikovsky, Russia). Modern rеsеаrсh of downhill technique in alpine skiing and its prospects at the 21th century
  8. R.N. Rudakov, А.V. Kamenskih, Р.V. Shulgin (Регm, Russia). Optimization of trajectory of а table tennis ball
  9. R.N. Rudakov, Т.А, Shirinkin, N.Yu. Artjushkov, A.L Bratchikov, S.A. Mikheyeva (Реrm, Russia). Mathematical simulation of а valleyball service
  10. А.Р. Tkachuk, A.S. Kahidze and L.I. Chizhikova (Moscow, Russia). Multi-seater training апd mеаsuriпg complexes fоr the solution of рrоЬlеms of selection and acquisition of large сrеws in boat-racing
  11. V.N. Fedorova, N.S. Sneguireva, V.I. Dotsenko, I.Y. Rogozhina, E.N. Eskina, S.A. Оbrubоv (Moscow, Russia). Estimation оf fatiguability and visual information influence оп the retention of the vertiсаl posture
  12. V.D. Medvedkov, N.T. Medvedkova (Реrrп, Russia). Xenobiotic relief of а human organism bу means of physical culture
  13. V.М. Кhаriп (Реrm, Russia). Biodynamics of spults in handstand in judo