- Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2000. Vol. 4, No. 1
- International scientific conference «Medicine and physical culture on the boundary of the 21th century»
- G.A. Lyubimov (Moscow, Russia). Application of the biomechanical models for the improvement in the functional diagnostics methods
- T.B. Kireeva, Yu .S.Levik (Moscow, Russia). The comparison of effects of shank muscles vibration during standing on one and two legs
- G.I. Rogozhnikov, Y.I. Nyashin, E.V. Suvorina, O.I. Dudar, M.Y. Nyashin, V.L. Sochnev, A.S. Butorin, N.B. Astashina, R.A. Letyagina, G.S. Byakova (Perm, Russia). Application of biomechanical modeling to optimize constructions of dental crowns, prostheses
- A.I. Lebedenko, N.G. Vartanova, S.V. Anisimova (Moscow, Russia). Stresses in a tooth restored by a veneer
- A.G. Masich, E.Yu. Simanovskaya, S.A. Chernopazov, Yu.I. Nyashin, G.V. Dolgopolova (Perm, Ekaterinburg, Russia). The role of mechanical factor in orthopedic treatment of congenital palate cleft in children
- S.V. Shilko (Gomel, Belarus). A self-regulation model of blood circulation at active deformation behaviour of vessels
- A.V. Sotin, Yu.V. Akulich, R.M. Podgayets (Perm, Russia). The calculation of loads acting on the femur during normal human walking
- L.B. Maslov, V.I. Shapin (Ivanovo, Russia). Vibromechanical diagnostic criteria for the achilles tendon acute tears
- I.M. Rublenik, V.L. Vasyuk, A.V. Yurtsenyuk, A.G. Shaiko-Shaikovskiy (Chernivtsy, Ukraine). Interlocking intramedullary metallopolymeric nailing of the femoral and tibial diaphyseal fractures
- Y.M. Anikin (Moscow, Russia). Biomechanical aspects of the organization of the human extremities skeleton
- A.V. Reznic, M.B. Gitman, B.A. Bachmetyev (Perm, Russia). Mathematical description of interpopulational interactions processes
- V.D. Medvedkov, N.I. Medvedkova, P.G. Bagderin, S.V. Ashirova, I.A. Ashirov (Perm, Russia). Cinetics of lead in biological media of human organism and usage of enterosorption, muscular and heat loadings