1. Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2000. Vol. 4, No. 1
  2. International scientific conference «Medicine and physical culture on the boundary of the 21th century»
  3. G.A. Lyubimov (Moscow, Russia). Application of the biomechanical models for the improvement in the functional diagnostics methods
  4. T.B. Kireeva, Yu .S.Levik (Moscow, Russia). The comparison of effects of shank muscles vibration during standing on one and two legs
  5. G.I. Rogozhnikov, Y.I. Nyashin, E.V. Suvorina, O.I. Dudar, M.Y. Nyashin, V.L. Sochnev, A.S. Butorin, N.B. Astashina, R.A. Letyagina, G.S. Byakova (Perm, Russia). Application of biomechanical modeling to optimize constructions of dental crowns, prostheses
  6. A.I. Lebedenko, N.G. Vartanova, S.V. Anisimova (Moscow, Russia). Stresses in a tooth restored by a veneer
  7. A.G. Masich, E.Yu. Simanovskaya, S.A. Chernopazov, Yu.I. Nyashin, G.V. Dolgopolova (Perm, Ekaterinburg, Russia). The role of mechanical factor in orthopedic treatment of congenital palate cleft in children
  8. S.V. Shilko (Gomel, Belarus). A self-regulation model of blood circulation at active deformation behaviour of vessels
  9. A.V. Sotin, Yu.V. Akulich, R.M. Podgayets (Perm, Russia). The calculation of loads acting on the femur during normal human walking
  10. L.B. Maslov, V.I. Shapin (Ivanovo, Russia). Vibromechanical diagnostic criteria for the achilles tendon acute tears
  11. I.M. Rublenik, V.L. Vasyuk, A.V. Yurtsenyuk, A.G. Shaiko-Shaikovskiy (Chernivtsy, Ukraine). Interlocking intramedullary metallopolymeric nailing of the femoral and tibial diaphyseal fractures
  12. Y.M. Anikin (Moscow, Russia). Biomechanical aspects of the organization of the human extremities skeleton
  13. A.V. Reznic, M.B. Gitman, B.A. Bachmetyev (Perm, Russia). Mathematical description of interpopulational interactions processes
  14. V.D. Medvedkov, N.I. Medvedkova, P.G. Bagderin, S.V. Ashirova, I.A. Ashirov (Perm, Russia). Cinetics of lead in biological media of human organism and usage of enterosorption, muscular and heat loadings