- Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 1999. Vol. 3, No. 3
- International biomechanics conference in Russia, Perm-99
- E.Y. Simanovskaya, M.Ph. Bolotova, Y.I. Nyashin, M.Y. Nyashin (Russia). Functional adapto - compensating mechanisms of the masticatory apparatus as a special biomechanical system
- O.I. Dudar, E.A. Melconyan, B.P. Markov, B.V. Svirin, N.S. Shabrykina (Russia). Optimal design of removable laminar maxillary dentures
- M.Y. Nyashin (Russia). Unconfined compression of the periodontal ligament, intervertebral disc, articular cartilage and other permeable deformable tissues: a poroelastic analysis
- A.G. Masich, S.A. Chernopazov, Y.I. Nyashin, E.Yu. Simanovskaya (Russia). Formulation of initial boundary-value problem and construction of computational algorithm in simulation of growing bone tissue
- S.V. Khrushchov, Yu.L. Venoyvtseva, A.Ch. Melnikov, V.V. Revyakina, T.A. Gomova, N.A. Pukhanova (Russia). Functional doppler echocardiography in evaluating degree and tension of adaptation
- E.I. Shafranova, N.S. Sneguireva (Russia). Importance of changes of erythrocytes deformability in development of hemorheological disturbances
- R.V. Nasyrov, L.M. Bakusov (Russia). Model of central venous hemodynamics
- V.N. Fedorova, G.D. Novoseltseva, V.A. Vissarionov, E.E. Faustova, V.I. Sergienko (Russia). Acoustic anisotropy of face skin
- Yu.V. Akulich, A.S. Denisov, Yu.I. Nyashin, R.M. Podgayets, A.Yu. Akulich (Russia). The influence of the scheme of loading variations on the recovering of the bone tissue elastic modulus
- M.A. Osipenko, Y.I. Nyashin, R.N. Rudakov (Russia). On the theory of bending of foot prosthesis containing the curved plates
- Y.M. Anikin, L.L. Kolesnikov, L.E. Kuznetsov, A.G. Tshibulkin (Russia). The counterforts of the human pelvis bones
- A.V. Sotin, P.A. Garyaev, N.D. Demchuk (Russia). Experimental investigation of anatomical and geometrical parameters of a human hip
- A.R. Podgayets, R.N. Rudakov (Russia). Evaluation of the effect of ski-jumper’s aerodynamic quality on safety of landing