1. Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 1999. Vol. 3, No. 3
  2. International biomechanics conference in Russia, Perm-99
  3. E.Y. Simanovskaya, M.Ph. Bolotova, Y.I. Nyashin, M.Y. Nyashin (Russia). Functional adapto - compensating mechanisms of the masticatory apparatus as a special biomechanical system
  4. O.I. Dudar, E.A. Melconyan, B.P. Markov, B.V. Svirin, N.S. Shabrykina (Russia). Optimal design of removable laminar maxillary dentures
  5. M.Y. Nyashin (Russia). Unconfined compression of the periodontal ligament, intervertebral disc, articular cartilage and other permeable deformable tissues: a poroelastic analysis
  6. A.G. Masich, S.A. Chernopazov, Y.I. Nyashin, E.Yu. Simanovskaya (Russia). Formulation of initial boundary-value problem and construction of computational algorithm in simulation of growing bone tissue
  7. S.V. Khrushchov, Yu.L. Venoyvtseva, A.Ch. Melnikov, V.V. Revyakina, T.A. Gomova, N.A. Pukhanova (Russia). Functional doppler echocardiography in evaluating degree and tension of adaptation
  8. E.I. Shafranova, N.S. Sneguireva (Russia). Importance of changes of erythrocytes deformability in development of hemorheological disturbances
  9. R.V. Nasyrov, L.M. Bakusov (Russia). Model of central venous hemodynamics
  10. V.N. Fedorova, G.D. Novoseltseva, V.A. Vissarionov, E.E. Faustova, V.I. Sergienko (Russia). Acoustic anisotropy of face skin
  11. Yu.V. Akulich, A.S. Denisov, Yu.I. Nyashin, R.M. Podgayets, A.Yu. Akulich (Russia). The influence of the scheme of loading variations on the recovering of the bone tissue elastic modulus
  12. M.A. Osipenko, Y.I. Nyashin, R.N. Rudakov (Russia). On the theory of bending of foot prosthesis containing the curved plates
  13. Y.M. Anikin, L.L. Kolesnikov, L.E. Kuznetsov, A.G. Tshibulkin (Russia). The counterforts of the human pelvis bones
  14. A.V. Sotin, P.A. Garyaev, N.D. Demchuk (Russia). Experimental investigation of anatomical and geometrical parameters of a human hip
  15. A.R. Podgayets, R.N. Rudakov (Russia). Evaluation of the effect of ski-jumper’s aerodynamic quality on safety of landing