Subjects of the published papers
- Architectural and planning concept, landscape planning, urban realm design;
- Technical support of the building design safety; underground systems; geotechnics of the territories; construction and management technology; monitoring and urban land and natural zone protection;
- Projects and models of the city traffic infrastructure;
- City planning ecology, urban ecology, resource and energy decline; water, gas, power and heat supply systems; nonvolatility of the urban lands ;
- Infocomms systems models of the cities; disaster-proof computer systems and services, smart buildings;
- Ecology of the natural economics branches (chemistry and petroleum chemistry, transportation industry, construction activities and housing and public services, building materials and products, etc.);
- Domestic and industrial waste management;
- Project and risk management in urban development; evaluation of the eco-risks and ecosystem exploitation;
- Urban realm quality rating; structuring and results of the ecological monitoring ;
- Social and economic aspects of the urban realm;