ISSN (Print): 2409-5125

A submission to “PNRPU Bulletin. Applied ecology. Urban development” must be the original work and must not be published elsewhere or under consideration for another publication in its submitted.

Reasearch paper. Usually the introduction must contain the objectives of the topic and the reasonability of its development (research problem or task solving).    The main part of the paper must show the problem research processes and topic development, which were made on the base of information analyses and synthesis. Also the main part must contain the ways of result achievements and results itself, tasks and its solving; there are also necessary descriptions and definitions, arguments and           theoretical underpinning. Conclusion sums up the paper research results. The possible aspects for further research and development are summarized in the end of the paper

Review (review article).  Usually this type of paper must contain the most important and perspective aspects in science, and  its separate components development, facts and events, etc. which are analyzed, compared and found.

The material must be issued –oriented and must show the mixed views on the scientific knowledge development. On the other hand it must contain conclusion and compositional data of the paper. 

Typescript of up to 8-10 pages (for a review - up to 20 pages), prepared using a text editor Word for Windows 7, should be sent to the address:, 29, Komsomolsky pr., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, “PNRPU Bulletin. Applied ecology. Urban  development”. The electronic version of the article should be sent to the e-mail or

Submission Guidelines:

The editorial board must be submitted:

UDC identifier according to the code


UDC code.

Title in Russian and English languages (or only in English):

Font – Times New Roman Cyr, bold;, 14 pt;


Font - Times New Roman Cyr, bold, 12 pt., single line spacing

Alignment of the title and subtitle - at the center.

 The sample.

Abstract (up to 2-3 sentences) in Russian and English languages.

Key words (up to 8-10  words) in Russian and English languages.

The text of the article:

Font - Times New Roman Cyr; 12 pt, single-line spacing, full justification; do not use hyphens;

Page margins: left – 2,5 cm, right – 2,5 cm, top - 2.5 cm; bottom - 2, 5 cm.

For a set of formulas use editor Equation 2.0 with the following parameters: font - Times New Roman Cyr; size: 12 (normal); formula must be placed in the center, and their numbers are at the right margin of the page. Tensor and vector quantities printed with bold, Greek characters - Roman type, Latin scalars and indices - oblique type.

Figures and tables contained in the article, must be demonstrated according to the following rules:

  • Figures and tables are placed within the text in the center of the page;
  • Picture captions mustn’t be out of the picture itself
  • Titles of the tables must be short and not longer than the table itself
  • Photo material, showing the results of the research, must have high quality
  • Printing in color is discussed for each issues individually.

References are according to the  GOST 7.0.5-2008.

2. Information about the authors must be according to the following structure: first name/surname, institutional affiliation (place of work or study), position, academic degree, scientific and honorary titles, e-mail, phone/fax numbers, postal address).

3. Written admission for paper publishing, which has no particular form and addressed for chief editor of the Bulletin PNRPU. Obligatory is the admission paper   on the letter headed paper of the organization, where the author is working in. the Admission is prepared by each author and signed by the head of organization, the author works in.

4. Referee report which is addressed to the chief editor (according to the sample) is signed by the specialist having academic degree, and working for another company the sign of the reviewer must be witnesses.

5. Expert report must contain information about possibility of paper publishing, confirming that the paper doesn’t has information which is restricted from publishing in the public media (the ground for is Russian federation government executive order № 852-р issued  28.06.2001).

Editorial board arranges the on-line ISSN publishing, available on the PNRPU web site. 

Articles publishing in the PNRPU Bulletin. Urban development” must be peer-reviewed. The second referee report is provided by the editorial board of the Issue.  


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2011: 1 2 3 4