ISSN (Print): 2224-9354
ISSN (Online): 2305-1434


Be sure to read Instructions before proceeding. 

File formatting. The file format is *.docx. General settings: Times New Roman 14 pt (main text), line spacing: 1.0, indent: 0.8 cm, full justification, automatic hyphenation enabled.

The title should be preceded by authors’ names and affiliation and followed by abstract and keywords.

References to original works should be numbered and placed in brackets with exact page number, e.g.: [7, p. 24].

Tables and figures are numbered and placed after the paragraph referring to them. Captions are centered and placed above the tables and below the figures.

The total size of the abstract is 200+ words. The paper title should not be repeated in the abstract. References in the abstracts are not recommended.

The number of keywords is five two twelve.

References are edited in the following manner:

  1. The sources cited are listed in the same order as the references within the text (i.e. not in alphabetic order).
  2. Each source is listed only once no matter how often it is cited within the paper body.
  3. Each source should have its own number.
  4. Each source should have a relevant reference in the text.
  5. The list should give all the sources referred to in the text.
  6. The items should be numbered automatically by the corresponding function in MS Word (not manually).

In the end of the paper some data in Russian are put:

  • paper title,
  • authors’ full names,
  • abstract,
  • keywords.

The editorial board reserves the right to return the manuscripts for further revision if the above requirements are ignored.


2024: 1 2 3
2023: 1 2 3 4
2022: 1 2 3 4
2021: 1 2 3 4
2020: 1 2 3 4
2019: 1 2 3 4
2018: 1 2 3 4
2017: 1 2 3 4
2016: 1 2 3 4
2015: 1 2 3 4
2010: 5 6 7 8