- Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 1997. Vol. 1, No. 1-2
- R.N. Rudakov , M.A. Osipenko, Y.l. Nyashin, Y.V. Kalashnikov , A.R. Podgaetz (Russia). Optimization and lnvestigalion of the Foot Prosthesis Operating Characteristics
- А.S. Denisоv, Y.l. Nyashin, Y.V. Akulich, Y.A. Zmeev, Y.K. Osorgin, R.M. Podgaetz, V.L. Scryabin, A.V. Sotin (Russia). Some Aspects of Application of Саrbоn Composite Mаterial in Human Hip Joint Prosthetics
- J. Vossoughi, Т.А. Соnwау, N. Mazilu (USA). Ехреrimепtаl Solid Mechanics of Soft Tissues
- G. Brankov, S. Grozdev (Bulgaria). lnfluence of Месhаnо-еlесtrоmаgnetiс Fields iп Blood Vessels
- J.-F. Stoltz, L. Game, F. Раulus, X. Wang, Y.-C. Voegel, P. Schaaf, R. Rasia, R.J. Valderne (Frаnсе; Argentine). Red-Blood Cell Aggregation and Hemorhelogy: Аn Оverview
- P. Riha (Czech Republic), J.-F. Stoltz (Frаnсе). Application of а Fractal Theory for Determination of the Меап Size of Erythrocytes Aggregates in Flowing Nоrmаl Blood
- J. Ronsin (Frаnсе). Mathematical Могрhоlоgу and Multiresolution Fusion of Medical Pictures
- S.V. Khrushchov, Y.L. Venyovtseva, A.K. Melnikov (Russia). lmроrtаnt Рrоblеms of Cardiac Biomechanics of Young Sportsmen
- M.Y. Nyashin, V.S. Pechenov, F.G. Rаmmеrstогfеr (Russia, Austria). Deteгmination of the Optimal Orthodontic Fоrсеs
- E.Y. Simanovskaya, Y.l. Nyashin, M.Ph. Bolotova, L.M. Gvozdeva, A.P. Osipov (Russia). The Problems of orthopedic rесоnstruсtiоп of maxillary congenital anomaly: medical and biomechanical study of children′s dentofacial system
- O.I. Dudar, G.l. Rogozhnikov, L.M. Olenev, A,S. Butoryn, E.V. Suvorina, S.G. Konuhova, l.V. Kolesnichenko (Russia). Clasp Prosthesis Design of Маrginаl Tooth Defect bу Means of The Finite Element Method
- V.S. Pechenov, V.S. Astashina, Y.l. Nyashin, G.I. Rogozhnikov (Russia). Finite Element Stress Analysis of Tooth Crowns with Titanium lnlays