1. Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2001. Vol. 5, No. 2
  2. VIII All-russian congress on theoretical and applied mechanics
  3. 13th Conference of the european society of biomechanics
  4. M.A. Osipenko, Y.I. Nyashin, R.N. Rudakov, A.V. Ostanin, E.N. Kuleshova, T.N. Zhuravleva, Mathematical modelling of the foot prosthesis elastic element under bending
  5. M. Ohta, S. Tsutsumi, S.-H. Hyon, Y.-B. Kang, H. Tanabe, Y. Miyoshi, Residual stress measurements of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylenefor artificial joints
  6. Y.V. Akulich, A.S. Denisov, Y.I. Nyashin, R.M. Podgaets, V.L. Scryabin, A.V. Sotin, A.Y. Akulich. Studies on the biomechanics of proximal femur
  7. E.Y. Simanovskaya, M.Ph. Bolotova, M.Y. Nyashin. Mastication as stimulus of growth, development and formation of the dentofacial system
  8. A.S. Vitenson, Y.M. Mironov, K.A. Petrushanskaya. Biomechanical and electromyographic aspects of the restorative treatment in patients with spinal cord injuries by means of phase electrical stimulation of muscles during walking
  9. A.V. Novikov, N.V. Loskutova, G.V. Smirnov, M.N. Lavrov. Load distribution to various hand parts in pathological hand
  10. A.P. Vatorinov, D.A. Kuznetsov, T.I. Subbotina, A.A. Yashin. The research in vivo of pepsin proteolytic activity change under the influence of vertical magnetic fields with D- and L-form of chirality
  11. R.N. Rudakov, Y.I. Nyashin, A.R. Podgaets, A.F. Lisovski, S.A. Miheeva. The influence of aerodynamic forces on the movement of sportsmen and sport balls
  12. M.B. Hidirova. Biomechanics of cardiac activation: the simplest equations and modelling results