1. Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2001. Vol. 5, No. 3
  2. 13th Сonference of the European Society of Biomechanics
  3. The tenth jubilee of the All-Russian school-conference of students and young scientists «Mathematical Modeling in Natural Sciences»
  4. E.Y. Simanovskaya, M.Ph. Bolotova, Y.I. Nyashin (Perm, Russia). Mechanical pressure as generator of growth, development and formation of the dentofacial system
  5. S.M. Bauer, A.A. Romanova, A.L. Smirnov (Saint-Petersburg, Russia). On formulation of the problem on deformation of the lamina cribrosa
  6. O.V. Svetlova, N.V. Zinovieva, I.S. Krylova, I.N. Koshitz, B.A. Smolnikov, E.M. Fyodorova, K.E. Kotliarb (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Munich, Germany). Elaboration of the conception of the biomechanical model of the aqueous intraocular outflow
  7. Yu.L. Protsenko, A.V. Kobelev, R.M. Kobeleva, S.M. Routkevich (Ekaterinburg, Russia). The steady-state property ‘force–deformation’ for passive myocardium
  8. V.V. Shadrin, A.V. Teplikov (Perm, Russia). Handling characteristics of surgical threads
  9. S.S. Wakista, S.V. Shilko (Gomel, Belarus). Disturbance of mobility in vertebral column with spinal neurotrauma
  10. T.I. Subbotina, A.A. Yashin (Tula, Russia). Evolutionary memory of living matter in the context of extremely high frequency exposure of an organism