1. Contents of Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2002. Vol. 6, No. 1
  2. 12th European Соnfеrеnсе оn Clinical Hemorheology. Sofia, Bulgaria..
  3. 13th Соnfегеnсе of the Europoan Society of Biomechanics. Wrосlаw, Poland
  4. V.А. Kaidalov, V.М. Shemyakinskii (Реrm, Russia). On the interrelations of biology and mechanics
  5. E.Y. Sirnanovskaya, M.Ph. Bolotova, Y.I. Nyashin, M.Y. Nyashin (Реrm, Russia). The human tongue as а biodynamic оrgаn of the masticatory system
  6. Yu.V. Akulich, R.M. Podgaets (Реrm, Russia). Simulation of the bоnе tissue adaptation process under the proportional change of the load
  7. K.Ch. Wierzcholski (Gdynia, Poland). Hydrodynamic lubrication theory of human joint gap
  8. V.N. Yurechko, S.I. Korchagin, F.А. Radkevitch, E.L. Kuznetsova, А.А. Fadeev (Moscow, Russia). Hydrodynamics of new generation cardiac valve prostheses
  9. V.I. Shevtsov, D.V. Dolganov, T.I. Dolganova, О.К. Chegurov (Кurgаn, Russia). Characteristics of support reactions in patients with gonarthrosis in stabilometric monitoring
  10. А.А. Selyaninov, А.М. Yelowikov, N,N. Furinа (Реrm, Russia). Status of the maxillary bоnе аftеr Coldwell-Luc operation
  11. S.R. Ismagilova, A.A. Lezhneva, D.V. Stolyarov, N.V. Shakirov (Perm, Russia). Modeling of peristaltic and pulsating flows of blood
  12. E.V. Stolbova, М.В. Gitman (Реrm, Russia). Mathematical model of infectious disease рrоgrеss uпdеr the determined and stochastic initial conditions