ISSN (Print): 2224-9354 ISSN (Online): 2305-1434 | ||
The journal was established for non-commercial purposes in 2008 by Perm State Technical University, now Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russian Federation), as a peer-reviewed periodical. It is fully funded by the founder and subscription fees (for print version only). Author fees are not collected, nor is advertising involved. The journal is published quarterly.
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communication (ROSKOMNADZOR), certificate no. ÏÈ-ÔÑ77-56520 of 26 Dec. 2013. The journal is listed in the Russian citation index. The journal is included in the List of the top scientific periodicals formed by the Higher Attestation Commision of the Russian Federation (VAK RF) for publication of the research results in sociology and economics. Subscription index of 'The press of Russia': 45007. Authors, please proceed to Instructions for further information.
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