Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science
ISSN (Print): 2224-9877
ISSN (Online): 2224-9877

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Primer_oformleniya article

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2. Write author(s) name, middle initial, last name the author,  place of work (study) in Russian and English;
3. Write the title of the paper in Russian and English;
4. Provide abstract of the paper (not less than 200 words) in Russian and English;
5. Provide key words of the paper (up 10 to 15 words) in Russian and English (the phrase is one keyword ).
6. The number of references in the bibliography has to be not less than 25.

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Formulas should be done only in Microsoft Word formulas editor (Math Type 5.0, Equation Editor), typed in 14 pt and labeled on the right in round brackets. The length of a formula should not exceed 10 cm. 

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Cited literature and sources are to be written at the end of a paper and numbered according to references, not in the alphabetical order (made out in accordance with GPST P 7.05-2008). References are given in the text in square brackets.

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