Typescripts of up to 15 pages (up to 25 pages for a review) should be prepared using a text editor Word for Windows 7 and sent to the address: Editorial board of “PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems”, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 7, Professor Pozdeev St., Perm, 614013, Russian Federation. The electronic version of the article should be e-mailed to pnrpu.elinf@yandex.ru.
Guidelines to article design
- article title: font – Times New Roman Cyr, bold, 14 pt;
- subheadings: font – Times New Roman Cyr, bold, 12 pt.
- Alignment of titles and subtitles should be centered
The text of the article:
- font – Times New Roman Cyr; 12 pt, line-to-line spacing – single, full justification; do not use hyphens, page margins: left – 3 cm, right – 2 cm, top – 2.5 cm; bottom – 2.5 cm.
- for editing of mathematical formulas, Equation 2.0 or above / MathType should be used; parameters: font – Times New Roman Cyr; size: 12 (normal); formulas should be centered, and their ordering numbers should be placed at the right margin of the page. Tensor and vector values are to be printed in bold, Greek characters – in Regular type, Latin scalars and indices – in Italic.
Figures and tables included into the article are recommended to be arranged according to the following rules:
- figures and tables are to be centered within the text.
- photos must be submitted in electronic form, using one of bitmap storage file formats;
- drawings should be done using vector graphic format;
- figures and tables should be referenced in the text.
Bibliography should contain at least 10 items used as sources of information. The list should be written in Russian and English with the usage of transliteration according to GOST. The items are to be ordered according to their appearance in the text.
The following information and papers should be submitted to editorial board:
- UDC code.
- The title of the article in Russian and English.
- The article abstract (at least 200 words) in Russian and English.
- Keywords (up to 15) in Russian and English.
- The text of the article designed according to the requirements.
- Information about the authors (first name/surname, institutional affiliation (place of work or study), position, academic degree, scientific and honorary titles, e-mail, phone/fax numbers, postal address).
- Covering letter to the Editor-in-chief of the journal signed by the head of the organization, which employs the author.
- The certificate of article examination on publishing possibility.